Thursday, October 15, 2015

Faulty Perceptions.

He had never been so frustrated before. As soon as he saw his mother, he roared, out of anger. The redness of the blood gushing out of his would looked pale before the redness of his cheeks. "They think just because they don't understand our language, we don't understand theirs? Ours is a much older and intelligent civilisation! But sheer arrongance has made these people blind!"
His father tried to calm him down, offered him some food.
His anger was directed at the foolishness of people. They would always see the world through a self manufactured lens, and like to believe it to be the only way of the world!
Such lunkheads!
"What do they know about our daily sttuggles? We are in constant threat of being killed. Our family doesn't know if we'll return home at dusk. We don't even have any cars or helicopters to our comfort. Wherever we need to go, there's a lot of muscular energy exhausted; enough to kill the purpose of reaching the designated place."
His fury just wouldn't cease to flow.
"And then they would say, 'wish I were a free bird, with a limitless sky to explore...'"
How he hated such baseless admirations and fantasies.
If only he could show those humans how much they have polluted the air and induced in this so-called limitless sky an abundance of death and disease, they would know how wrong they are in epitomising the life of a "free" bird.
He would show them that class hierarchies exist in every civilisation, and that flying in the sky isn't as relaxing as getting one's ass onto the backseat of one's superexpensive sedan and signalling the driver, 'home'.
What's freedom to us then, they would ask us, probably; he thought. "And I would beg them to stop polluting our area, and stop flying those kites whose threads are tiny enough for our eyes to miss but sharp enough to wound our body anytime. And I would beg them to stick to the part of the world assigned to them, and not strive to conquer the sky. For if they continue to life their lives(and destroy ours) at the same pace, there won't be any birds left to symbolize freedom; only carcasses to hint upon our existence to the future generation, raising debates on the credibility of those artefacts, just like they do to dinosaurs." 

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