Friday, August 25, 2017

The LEGO House

I once built a house, a big house of cards. 
I thought it was just perfect, a perfect place to have.
I built it in the garden, and then there came a breeze. 
It was so smooth and light, my house didn't have the strength to fight.

I hence built a house, a house of cards again.
 I thought it was just perfect, a perfect place to have.
I built it in my room; closed doors and no threat. 
The fan whispered to me, it's the air you had to fret.

And then I built a house, a big house of ice. 
I thought it was just perfect, a perfect place to have.
Little did I remember, that water never stays...
It changed its form and took its course, and went its own sweet way

I gathered courage and built a house, a big house of sand. 
I thought it was just perfect, a perfect place to have.
'Twas safe from the sea, until the evening tide; 
which swept it away in one swift motion, before I could say goodbye.

At last, I built a house, a big Lego house. 
I thought it was just perfect, a perfect place to have.
Moms cheered,  it's play day,  kids flocked from round the town. 
But they wanted a car a tree a building,  
and hence they knocked it down.